First of all there is a new park in our development. Rich took some great pictures of Drew playing on the playground there. Drew feels the playground belongs to him. Therefore every time we drive past it on our way out of the development he tells us "there's Dew's paygound".
We have spent some time visiting the various grandparents lately. The only pictures missing are from when we have visited with Rich's parents. I will post some with them very soon.
Tomorrow is Rich's birthday (big 35)and his mom and step dad are going to eat with us at PF Changs for dinner. I will capture some pictures from his dinner and post them later this week.
My dads birthday was Tuesday and since Rich's birthday is Thursday (tomorrow), we are having a birthday dinner for both of them together on Saturday at my parents house.
Drew is learning how to drive his tractor. It's motorized. Nathan -his friend next door, showed him how it works. After he saw Nathan do it, he decided it was ok and drove it too. He's not the best driver. I'm a little worried for when he turns 16. I think everyone will need warning to watch out when he's on the road.
The neighbors also have a baby who is Kai's age. That's his girlfriend. Her name is Natalie.
Kai had his 6 month checkup on Monday. That's right, he's 6 months old. And yes, he weighs 20 pounds. Imagine my surprise when they told me he is only in the 78% for weight! I wondered how it is possible that 22% of babies are bigger than he is!!! He is a long one too. He is in the 94% for length. He's healthy and doing great. He's meeting all of his milestones. And if I do say so myself, he's pretty darn cute. :)
Tonight Kai was on the floor trying so hard to "get" the dog and put her in his mouth. But he was unsuccessful. He looked up in time to see me take his picture while he was trying to get a hold of Kassie (Dog).
Well.... that's all for now. I need to go watch Lost.