These are pictures of the boys playing around last night. The last picture I threw in there is not from last night but I really like it so I added it. That one is of Blake and his cousin Ryan and a puppy.
Kai is a photogenic baby. Here are two pictures I took of him today. I am really enjoying my maternity leave being at home with him. He's a delightful baby.
Today we took Drew to the Corn Maze at Dill's Greenhouse near our house. Drew went through the hay maze and the corn maze. He also played in the corn kernel box (same as sandbox but with corn kernels in it). Kai on the other hand decided this was a good time to take a nap and slept through the whole thing.
Drew picked out 3 pumpkins. 1 for himself, 1 for Blake and 1 for Kai.
The first picture is how Drew looked when he got up this morning. We called it Devil Hair. The second picture is of how Drew looked when he got up from his nap today. I'm not sure what to call that, but I gaurantee you that's not what he looked like when he went down for his nap.